Luke: Friends? Yeah, I got friends. I think.
Luke: ...Uh, there's my boy Jake. Kinda dorky guy, but I can't judge. We've been friends as long as I can remember. He's, uh, the only one who actually plays online games with me and stuff. Sometimes he sends me games and me-mes from but I do NOT trust that web site, man. It's all just posts about nerdy TV shows and guys in suits, last I checked. Oh, and Homestuck, obviously.

Uh, right, friends. There's... uh, that new kid, Josh. He doesn't talk much. With me, at least. Jake and him are like, buddy friendly friends. Inseperable. (Which means Jake spends less time with me...)
Then there's Oliver, Jake's big bro. And Demi, the goth chick at that one clothes store. I don't talk to those two very much, though.
There's Bom, Raquel, and Sylvia, but they all... uh, just forget I said something...

...Oh, right, about Jake again... he hasn't responded to my messages at all in a few days. If it's not, like, a problem, could you go check on him? There's not that many houses in Caligo, you can probably find him. Probably.
Luke: ...Why don't I go there? Uh. 'Cause, uh... 'cause I'm busy right now. With... things.
But... if you could just, uh, make sure he's fine, then, uh that'd be nice.
